Customer Testimonials

Here is what our customers have to say about our work:

John & Anne Jacobs

In a new neighborhood filled with homes under construction, Dakota OutdoorScapes turned our house into an island oasis of green beauty. Cars slow down as they pass by, and strangers stop to complement our yard. The friendly, professional staff–from designers to landscape workers–made the process of creating our green space easy and stress-free. Antonio and…

Les Larson

We very much appreciated Dakota OutdoorScapes work on our yard. The rock walls look very good and I like the way the wall builders broke rock to fit the smaller spaces. Everyone on the crew worked hard and the results show it. Thank you!

Hope Harris & Steve Bock

We had the very good fortune to have Jon Rick, Dakota OutdoorScapes recommended to us by our realtor. Not being from North Dakota, we really didn’t have much knowledge of landscape details that are particular to the plains environment. From the site visit, to planning stage, to execution it was quite apparent that Jon runs…

Patrick Koski

I have been in the real estate industry my whole professional working career and have referred different landscaping companies to my clients and they do just fine, but over the past two years I have been referring Dakota Outdoorscapes for a number of reasons. One, being that Jon and his crews are not only have…

Terry & Katrina Richter

We had high expectations with our need for privacy and they shattered it with their design. The entire crew was great to work with and professional. We highly recommend Jon Rick and Dakota OutdoorScapes.

Lucy and Sam Foss

Dakota OutdoorScapes was a pleasure to work with when landscaping our new home. Jon was always on time and very responsive when we had questions or needed extra attention. He offered great solutions to our landscaping problems and stayed on budget. The landscaping crew was friendly and worked extremely hard completing our landscaping 3 weeks…