Customer Testimonials

Here is what our customers have to say about our work:

Todd and Joleen Kautzman

When we visited Jon at OutdoorScapes for the first time we knew his Company was right for the job. They have been so professional and helpful from day one. The price of our quote never varied from the original quote that was given and they were always on top of any changes that were made…

Darren Schmidt

I will highly Dakota OutdoorScapes to anyone who needs help with a new landscape project or landscape repairs. Even though I hired Jon and his crew for a small job, they were to my house within a short period of time and got the job done exactly as I had pictured it at an affordable…

Don & Sherry

We hired Jon to landscape a very small area of our property. He recommended the layout and choices of shrubs and listened to our ideas. He did an excellent job and we have exactly what we want, and in a timely manner. He treated us with utmost respect and courtesy. We will definitely hire him…

Joey Schulte

Dakota OutdoorScapes did an EXCELLENT job on my yard. They did exactly what I asked and then above and beyond. I’d highly recommend them anytime!!

Jayse Schwan

Dakota OutdoorScapes was wonderful to work with from start to finish. I called Jon Rick due to the lack of drainage on my property due to poor landscaping from another company, he looked at it and addressed it with installing a drain system. Could not be more happy with the results very clean neat work…