Customer Testimonials

Here is what our customers have to say about our work:

Tamar Deichert

The steps and landing Dakota OutdoorScapes put in for the extension of our boat dock exceeded my expectations. They did an amazing, beautiful job! It definitely added value to our development.

Judd Bryarly

First class people who really have a passion for your outdoor living environment.

Lorna Ohlhauser

Excellent professional. They were prompt and got the work done quickly, taking care of plants that were part of my Mothers and Grandmothers gardens. My sister said my yard looks peaceful. Coming from her that says a lot as she is not an outdoor person.

Kevin & Amy Braun

Our experience in working with Jon and Dakota Outdoor Scapes has been nothing short of excellent. Jon has been straight forward, professional and on-time! Jon & his team took our input, and created a landscape plan that met all of our needs. They are a creative & quality business! We would highly recommend them for…

Chad and Jamie Kahl

Hi Jon- we love our landscaping and are happy to share a testimonial. Thanks again for everything- we can’t wait for summer so we can enjoy our yard! We are so pleased with our completed landscaping. Jon was able to provide an outdoor space that exceeded our expectations! From start to finish, every interaction with…

Marnie and Sydney Lahtinen

Sydney and I were thoroughly impressed with Dakota Outdoorscapes from the get-go. They were timely on the bid and stuck to the committed timeline throughout the project. The employees were always pleasant, early-to-work, detail oriented and communicative. If you need any testimonials, please, send potential clients our way. We can’t say enough good things.